Cash App payments are usually available instantly. If payment is showing as pending, it could mean that you need to take action. You have to follow the steps outlined in your activity feed to complete the payment.
Direct Deposit Pending on Cash App usually means the deposit has stuck for some reasons. There may be changes in which your bank’s servers are not responding to the Cash App; hence, direct deposit is pending. We’d recommend you cancel the payment in these cases, so the cash does not get debited from the account.
Most common reasons behind Cash App direct deposit pending:
· Bad online connection or external Wi-Fi link.
· Server issue with the bank.
· Earning payment through expired credit or debit card.
· Cash App is not working
· Bugs, cache, or cookie onto your apparatus.
· If you’re making any payment globally.
Useful blog: - Activate Cash App Card | Cash App Transfer Failed | How to Activate Cash App card | Cash App direct deposit failed
You need an activated Cash Card to enable direct deposits. When you activate your Cash Card, you will immediately see your new account and routing numbers.
To use your account and routing number:
Tap the Banking tab on your Cash App home screen
Select Deposits & Transfers
Select Copy Details
Provide the account and routing number when prompted for a bank account during direct deposit setup
To get a direct deposit form:
Tap the Banking tab on your Cash App home screen
Select Deposits & Transfers
Select Get Direct Deposit Form
Fill out your employer information, the amount you would like to be deposited from each paycheck, and provide your signature
Select Email Form and enter the recipient address before tapping send
Your completed direct deposit form can be viewed at any time by tapping Get Direct Deposit Form from the Banking tab and selecting View Previous Form.
Regards, James